Thursday, February 14, 2013

Memoirs with Jeremy

The Day of Love:

As a mom I learned so many things spiritually; I only wanted my children to feel loved, secure and happy.  Their spirits so innocent and pure and it was my “job” to teach, mentor and lead by example.

I learned what true patience is when you love someone unconditionally.  I have learned that being kind is much more important than being right.  I found that there was not a place for jealousy where true loves abides.  I felt that bragging on me for a job well done did not feel good and that in giving credence where credence is due my soul soared. 

I realized how hideous arrogance is and that by building others self-esteem I was wondrously blessed.  Although I failed at being the “perfect” mom I wanted to lead by example in all things so my children would learn via that example to understand that acting unbecomingly avails not. 

My life was and is about them and not about seeking pleasure entirely for myself but finding pleasure and joy in blessing them; there is no greater joy.  I found that my endurance as a mom was immeasurable and my children could never provoke me to the point of acting unbecomingly to them.  They could even wrong me and I rather suffer the wrong and take no accounting of what was said or done but return a steadfast love to them instead and use the incident in love to teach them right from wrong. 

On this journey with my children while growing up with them in all dimensions I found ways to deliver truths regarding unrighteousness and taught those truths on every occasion given me. 

I was given strength to bear all things, expand my beliefs spiritually in all things, found hope in all things for them and to this day my love for them is so strong I would endure anything for them. 

In this journey with my children as a human being I have fallen short of the mark but wanting to be the best mom in the world I found that even though I was not perfect my love for them is; it’s pure and unconditional and it never fails.

1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

4: Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5: does not act unbecomingly, it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, 6: does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 7: bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  8: Love never fails;

Now my children are grown and my life continues; down the path of my journey I sojourn.  I want to truly grasp love to all. 

I pray that my spirit always honors the spirit in you without jealousy or judgment, being kind and not provoked regardless of color, race, spiritual belief or political views; overlooking wrongs; being kind instead of right, arrogant or boasting.  I pray that I walk in hope and strength knowing that love never fails me and that love never fails you.

To me this is what love is – Happy Valentine’s Day xx
I miss you son and love you unconditionally.  I always have and every second of every day I love you more.  xx Mom

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