Thursday, March 8, 2012

Memoirs with Jeremy

Tomorrow is my son’s birthday; what a wonderful day it was twenty-seven years ago.  Although, we waited for Jeremy; he was so worth the wait and he has been the “Sonshine” of my heart.  I use to sing “You are my Sonshine” to him; it’s a special word between us.

Today I am putting on my armor of thanksgiving, gratitude, love and having a grateful heart for all that remains in my life.    Ephesians states “One Lord, one God, one Father who is over all and through all and in all.”  I hold onto the connection we have in the Universal Mind of God and the Universal Love of God.  Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

I am happy to be comforted in the spirit by the Spirit and I will let peace permeate my being.  Although this is not a joyous time and to be joyful is most difficult; we can find peace and that cause a huge transformation in our spirit, in our soul and body.  I will say that my joy is stimulated by the twenty-six years I did have with my son and my peace and comfort comes only from the Spirit.

If we stay determined and steadfast to be strong in body and spirit then I believe with all my heart this transformation will bring the “peace that surpasses all understanding”. 

In keeping with good thoughts and words next to our hearts and planting as many good deeds as we can; staying steadfast with faith in our spirit; I believe we can raise our vibrational level and have open portals to God who will comfort us and bring us a measurement of peace.  I pray for a huge bundle of peace and comfort; not only for me, but for all of you who are mourning.

If we will imbue the peace and comfort with intense feeling of thankfulness then I believe that peace and comfort can be infused into our soul level and ultimately we will find acceptance that can only come from the peace and comfort that the Universal Mind of God can offer us.

If we stay in the now, in this precise moment it will help us not to dwell on what the future will or will not hold for us with our children gone.  In this very moment holds the very precious essence of peace and comfort.  I do my level best to stay there every day; in the now.  I try to focus on the word transition instead of all the other “descriptive” words that hold such sorrow.  I hold onto all the good memories that I have with my son and even though that is part of the past; it shall be what I hold onto in the Now.  It is what we have left and to me it is important that I hold those very special and wonderful memories in my heart where I have a very special treasure chest just for Jeremy; not dwelling on the loss, but dwelling on how precious he is and what a better person I am because of him.

After Jeremy’s transition the family was contacted by a medium who stated that we will know Jeremy’s presence because when hummingbirds would visit that would mean so was Jeremy.  It just so happens, that the hummingbird is my most favorite bird of them all.  Although I had had a few hummingbirds throughout the years a few months after this message I had more hummingbirds then I have ever had in the six years I have lived here.  The hummingbird is even more special to me now.

I feel my thoughts and feelings are all over the chart today, but the one thing I promised myself when I decided to journal my journey and Jeremy’s visits was to write exactly what was going on and not vary or change it in any way.  I will do a spellcheck, but after that I am not to worry about editing.

I am from my heart reaching out to others in hopes that one word, one sentence, one thought will inspire and impel you to reach for the life preserver that is being thrown to you spiritually.

I hope and pray that I have imparted, motivated or influenced a spiritual journey and that it does infuse a measure of comfort and peace for you.

Please be in prayer with me tomorrow and help me celebrate Jeremy’s very wonderful twenty-six years that I was blessed to have him as my son.  I loved being his Mom; I loved that he was my son….. I enjoyed him thoroughly even when we did bump heads.  Which he said was a lot, I say it was a little.  J  In his letter to the family he noted that we “bumped heads” because we are so much alike. 

I couldn’t have been left with a more beautiful complement from him – I adore him and tomorrow I will set out to be in celebration of what he has imparted to all those who knew him and his beautiful spirit and how he taught us all how to really live life.

In deepest understanding and love,

Sandra xx

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